Proudly serving South Calgary since 2004

Full Mouth Restoration Calgary | Full Mouth Restoration

Full Mouth Restoration Calgary | Severely worn down, missing, or badly damaged teeth can truly have a detrimental effect on one’s ability to chew or to feel comfortable in social situations. Teeth marred by neglect, lack of care, and improper dentistry often require comprehensive restorative treatment. This can include a combination of cosmetic and restorative dental procedures that may include periodontal therapy, endodontic treatment, veneers, bridges, crowns, implants or other dental work. High Street Dental offers you a full range of options to get you smiling again!

The following list outlines areas of the Full Mouth Restoration options:

Full Mouth Restoration Calgary | Bridges

If you are missing teeth and this causes trouble speaking, chewing or any discomfort, bridges may be the ideal procedure to help make your mouth healthy and fully functional again. Bridges literally “bridge” gaps between teeth by filling them with strong, natural-looking artificial teeth. Bridges are semi-permanent and fixed to the teeth surrounding the gap. They can only be removed by a dentist and are comfortable and practical ways to replace missing teeth and prevent the drifting of surrounding teeth affected by the tooth’s absence.

Full Mouth Restoration Calgary | Crown

A root canal or a large restoration (filling) may be the reason why your tooth could require a crown to restore and protect the tooth. A crown is a cap that will be made to color match your other teeth giving it a very natural and undetectable appearance. When getting a crown, you will come for two appointments. The first appointment is when you will have the crown tooth prepped with impressions sent to our lab. At your second appointment we will cement the cap (crown) into place to fully encase the visible portion of the tooth, restoring its function, strength and appearance. We also provide Cerec crowns so you only have to come in once for your crown procedure as your custom crown will be created while you are sitting comfortably in our dental chair.


Porcelain Veneers

An excellent alternative to crowns, porcelain veneers can perfect your smile by masking stains, hiding chips, correcting misalignment, and creating uniformity. Veneers, which are made of thin, customized material, are designed to slide over the teeth, look incredibly natural, are long-lasting, and are a great way to make your smile the way you imagined it.


Dental Implants:

If you are missing teeth and this causes trouble speaking or chewing, or any discomfort, dental implants may be the ideal solution to help make your mouth healthy and fully functional again. Dental implants are developed to provide the ultimate durability over any other restorative options like dentures and bridges. This is because dental implants reduce the bone loss that occurs when you lose teeth and does not interfere with the integrity of the surrounding teeth. The first step to getting your dental implant is t take a tomographic x-ray to ensure your bone levels make you an adequate candidate for an implant. Once the dentist approves your candidacy, they will insert a dental implant screw into the bone. This implant screw will act as an artificial tooth root to anchor the replacement tooth. Because a dental implant is fused to the bone, it prevents your bone from receding making it an ideal option for most dental patients. Several months later, once the first procedure has healed, we will place an implant crown on top of the screw, restoring your healthy smile.